Sharing a personal post today. A few months ago I resigned from my county position and declared full time mama status. I put my work identify to the side and proudly displayed the title I always dreamed: a stay-at-home mom. This is what weekday mornings look like for me when it's just me and my littlest of little ones. Big sister and brother go off to school while Maya and I hang out and pass the time away together. Here is about a 5 minute glimpse into my mornings with Maya.
Toddler yoga anyone?
Should I be concerned with that grin?
This looks like fun.
Morning stretches maybe?
I think I have a little more stretching to do.
Just a little bit higher.
Those wispy hairs are starting to fill in.
A little out of focus picture never hurt anybody.
Big brother comes home from school just before lunch. Let's play!
Off to the next adventure!
Thanks for taking the time to read and get a glimpse of what a weekday looks like in my home. My hope is to share some personal posts with you as I document my family life through Project 52 (one picture a week). I would love to challenge you to get out your camera also! Bring out your phone, point and shoot, or DSLR. You don't need a fancy camera to document those special moments in your life. You won't regret taking too many photos!